The Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, on the 22nd of October 2018, hosted H.E. Secretary General of the Arab League Mr.Ahmed Aboul Gheit for giving a lecture on “ International developments and its impact on the Arab World”. The session was attended by elites of ambassadors, academics, and experts in the field of foreign affairs. This session was opened by Ambassador Dr. Mounir Zahran, Chair of the Council.
During this lecture, Secretary General dealt with the unprecedented risks which the international order is passing during the current stage. He stressed that global situations are passing through a state of massive liquidity and rapid change, as well as witnessing the return of conflict between the Super Powers, and erosions in the stable rules upon which established the Post- World War II Order. He also added that synergies between various phenomenon such as the rise of right wing trends and the return of nationalism in their extreme forms alarm of forthcoming turbulence, and that other phenomenon as climate change and the increased dependence on artificial intelligence applications, might get out of control and increase the state of liquidity and uncertainty .
His Excellency Secretary General also made reference to the tragic phase that the Arab World is going through, and the state of Arab world is suffering from division and fragmentation which makes it incapable of dealing effectively with the serious challenges that the global situation poses in the future. He also added that the Arab League still represents the only framework through which the Arabs can discuss their problems and deal with jointly. But Absence of political will as well as the weak support offered by the States sometimes reduce its margin of activities and effectiveness in dealing with the challenges and risks facing the Arab World, particularly at the strategic level, pointing out that in spite of all of this, the Arab League continues to play its role through the pursuit of full integration and coordination between the Arab States in the economic, social and cultural policies.