On 16th of April 2019, the Council hosted Ambassador Sean O’ Rgan, the Ambassador of Ireland to Egypt, to talk about Egyptian-Irish bilateral relations and his country’s vision on developments of situations in the Middle East, and the influence of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit) over his country, with the participation of each of Ambassadors Dr. Mounir Zahran, Chairman of the Council; Dr. Ezzat Saad, Director of the Council; Dr. Kamal Abu Oqail, Coordinator of the Permanent Committee of European Affairs at the Council.
The regional issues, developments of the Palestinian issue were focused upon, whereas His Excellency expressed his country’s support to all resolutions of International legitimacy and relevant Security Council resolutions that stipulated the Establishment of a Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, and denouncing the recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel by the USA and rejecting Israel’s continued violations of the rights of the Palestinian People, as well as calling upon both parties to the Palestinian conflict to return to dialogue, especially since Palestinian reconciliation would give the Palestinian negotiator strength during negotiations with Israel.
The discussion also touched upon bilateral relations holding Egypt and Ireland together as well as witnessing several positive developments at all levels. And His Excellency expressed his hope that the Irish tourism would be strongly restored to Egypt, and to proceed towards enhancing cultural and educational exchanges, in addition to enhancement of trade and investment relations between both sides. Supporting Egypt to gain non-permanent Security Council membership has also been emphasizing.