On March 31, 2022, ECFA organized a symposium in which the columnist/ Atef Al-Ghamry presented his book “The Masonic Brotherhood: Documents of Association Between the Brotherhood and Global Freemasonry”, which was recently published by the Almaktab Almasry Alhadith. The meeting was opened by Ambassador Dr. Mounir Zahran, ECFA Chairman, and attended by a number of ECFA members. The book, consisting of 12 chapters, presents documentary secrets of the global Freemasonry as well as the Muslim Brotherhood. It has highlighted the aspects of unique and precise compatibility between the Freemasons and the Brotherhood; It showed that these two secret organizations converge in not believing in a homeland, and not recognizing national borders, and that the states in the calculations of both are one world government for the Masons, and one caliphate state for the Brotherhood, and in their law, it is a revival of the Ottoman caliphate. They both also converge in the same rituals, such as taking the oath of allegiance and obedience in a dark room, placing the member’s hand on the Holy Qur’an and the pistol for the Brotherhood, and on the Holy Book for the Freemasons, and the member’s acceptance of the most severe punishment for him in case he discloses the secrets of what is going on within the organization. Likewise, the superior leadership of the two organizations are similar, creating an aura of distinction for themselves, rife with strict rules that forbid those at the base of the organization to know its true goals, which only the few leaders know about.
The writer shows that there is a similarity in the names of the two organizations; Brotherhood and Freemasons; The definition of the members is by the word “Brotherhood”, which is the English translation of the word “Brotherhood”, which is the same literally used to describe the relationship among the members of the Masons. There is also a similarity in the process of convincing members of the two organizations that they have a mission; They are the best organization in the Brotherhood’s belief, and they are the supreme sect for the Masons. This prompted Sayyid Qutb to say that those who are not in the Brotherhood are infidels, to the extent that the idea of “world mastery” promoted by Hassan al-Banna since the establishment of the organization is the same as the doctrine of the Freemasons. In a related context, there is an amazing compatibility between the name of al-Banna, which the Hassan al-Banna family gave themselves, after abandoning the original surname of the family, which is al-Saaty, and the original name of the Masons, which is in Arabic is al-Bannas, as most of references agreed that Hassan al-Banna was originally a Mason, as well as Sayyid Qutb who acknowledged this in writing.
On the other hand, the book sheds light on the participation of the Masonic movement in Britain and the British intelligence together in creating the environment conducive for Hassan al-Banna to establish the Brotherhood, and in the city of Ismailia in particular, where the British occupation authority is based. It also explained that Britain was historically not far from supporting and sponsoring the Masonic presence in Egypt, following the defeat of the Orabi Revolution and the beginning of the British occupation in 1882. In the same context, evidence confirm that the two organizations played the same game of igniting wars and armed conflicts; Historically, this began with the Masons in the United States, which is what the Brotherhood has done – and is still doing- in the Middle East. Similarly, the method of conspiracies and evasion was associated with both of them, according to British and American intelligence documents that the book used, including, for example, what the British intelligence service admitted about the conspiracy in which that agency assigned the Muslim Brotherhood to attempt to assassinate the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser in the Manshiya incident in 1954, and also the role of the Brotherhood in implementing the project of tearing up the Middle East region, with creative chaos and regime change.
The relevant information also raised a fundamental question: If the Brotherhood works – as it says – for Islam, is it part of Islam to betray the homeland? This is in view of the fact that the documents record their position during the Israeli aggression against Egypt in 1967, indicating the division of their opinions, as the opinion of the Qutb group was not to support Abdel Nasser’s position regarding Israel’s attack, even if Abdel Nasser was fighting an enemy of Islam, as they put it. Finally, the writer pointed out that many studies questioning the identity of the Brotherhood, and see that its immersion in foreign political relations resulted in its transformation from a religious group into an entity operating in politics.